In the immediate aftermath of a Georgia truck accident, your life may feel like a whirlwind of uncertainty. Meanwhile, the trucking company involved could be making moves to minimize their liability and obscure the truth. This isn’t just a business strategy – it’s a potential hindrance to your path to justice and rightful compensation.

As experienced truck accident lawyers in Georgia, we’ve seen it all, and we’re prepared to help you through these murky waters. This blog reveals the key pieces of evidence a trucking company might attempt to hide after an accident they caused that harmed you. At W. Winston Briggs Law Firm, we’re here to peel back the curtain, ensuring you’re informed and empowered to take the necessary steps toward recovery. Together, we can work to ensure your story is heard and justice is served.

Critical Evidence in a Georgia Truck Accident Case

Evidence is the cornerstone of a compelling truck accident claim. But not all parties involved in your case may want the truth to come out. In their quest to avoid liability, trucking companies might hide or obscure critical evidence that could substantially impact your case. Below, we’ve outlined five types of evidence that often play a crucial role in truck accident claims and why a trucking company might try to conceal them.

  • Driver’s Logs: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires truck drivers to maintain logs detailing their hours on and off the road. In the trucking industry, these rules governing drivers’ schedules are called Hours of Service regulations. Overworked drivers are a significant cause of accidents, so a company may conceal or alter these logs to hide violations of federal regulations.
  • Truck Maintenance Records: Properly maintained trucks are crucial for road safety. If a company neglected routine maintenance, leading to an accident, it might attempt to obscure these records.
  • Data from Onboard Systems: Modern trucks often come equipped with systems like GPS, electronic data recorders, and dashboard cameras. This data can offer a factual account of the accident, something a company may not want to be revealed if it’s incriminating.
  • Driver’s Employment History and Training Records: Trucking companies must hire skilled, experienced drivers and provide necessary training. If a company cut corners in these areas, they might hide these details to mask their negligence.
  • Post-Accident Drug and Alcohol Test Results: Truck drivers are legally required to undergo drug and alcohol tests after an accident. If a test reveals the driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the crash occurred, a company may attempt to suppress these results to avoid responsibility.

What to Do If You Suspect a Trucking Company Is Hiding Evidence

If you suspect a trucking company is trying to hide critical evidence in your truck accident claim, your first priority is to secure legal representation. Engaging a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer, particularly one with experience in truck accidents, is essential. They can ensure that evidence is preserved, guide you through the complexities of your case, and fiercely advocate for your rights.

Next, document everything you can about the accident and your injuries. This could include gathering medical reports, photographs of the accident scene and vehicle damage, witness statements, and any communication you’ve had with the trucking company or their insurance representatives.

Finally, your lawyer can send a spoliation letter on your behalf. This legal document puts the trucking company on notice to preserve specific evidence relating to the accident, making it harder for them to hide or destroy it. If they fail to comply, they can face severe legal consequences.

Get Legal Help Today

At W. Winston Briggs Law Firm, our Atlanta team is ready to protect your rights and help you find any evidence a trucking company might try to conceal after a crash. Call (404) 522-1500 today or fill out our contact form for a free consultation.